SCMS Noida

HR Metamorphosis-New Game New Rules

  • Careers
  • 18-11-2022

As quoted by John Keats Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced

One may read as many textbooks as possible but we cannot even commence to compare themwith the lessons that experience teaches us. Well, that is exactly what an HR Conclave does,it brings together top experts in the field of HR and gives the audience a chance to learn fromtheir experience and knowledge as they share their insights on the theme

The most valuable assets of a corporation are generally thought of as its human resources.The Human Resources department plays an important role in managing, learning anddeveloping personnel in an organisation. In the end, you may wager on people rather thantactics. Every organisation needs competent HR workers who have a thorough awareness ofwhat they are supposed to do and how they are going to do it.

The Human Resource Club of SCMS NOIDA is proud to present the upcoming HR Conclaveto provide this experience along with a deep understanding of the various principles of HR tostudents from all three batches.

The conclave will be hosted on the topic of HR Metamorphosis-New game, new rulesRapid changes, business expansion, or a shift in the nature of business itself can all lead toHR metamorphosis. As a result, HR should be responsible for employee retention as well asthe growth of their skills and should be closely integrated with company goals.Our speakers for the conclave will share their views on how human resource leaders need toadopt a more strategic role in any organisation in this emerging corporate world, as they arethe ones who remain responsible for adding value in aligning human capital efforts with thestrategic long-term goals of a business.

The conclave intends to create a forum for networking between top professionals in thesesubjects and eager students who want to explore the industry. It will lead to an exploration ofhow organisations and enterprises may use the experience as the cornerstone of their businessstrategy to reimagine employee experience for recovery, growth, and success in our newcorporate world.

In conclusion, this event serves as a tremendous chance for students of SCMS NOIDA whosurely have a keen interest in the HR world, as renowned business leaders who have years ofpractical experience in this industry will serve as the panellists for this Conclave. We canassure you that this conclave will be an educational and enlightening opportunity for each andevery participant.


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