Magical Combination of Specializations

Do you know what was the major deciding factor I chose SCMS NOIDA? It's nothing other than the flexibility it gives a student to drive his career on his own will. I was offered admission from 6 top colleges of India but, the curriculum here at SCMS NOIDA is the best in class & crafted with a special goal to meet the ever-changing industry standards.
Marketing, Business Analytics, Finance, International Business & Human Resource is a wide array of precisely selected specializations loudly speaking to every student that SCMS NOIDA will leave no stone unturned to drive their career with the most professional, regularly upgraded & updated courses.
Do you want to stay ahead in life? Then learn in a top college, that itself stays ahead in the global education platform. I didn't even know about the Business Analytics specialization after 12th & SCMS NOIDA was among the top few colleges of India to include it in its specializations it offers & now its a buzzword in business. It's like the potato of specializations. In the 21st century, every business is incomplete without studying Business Analytics. You either choose the traditional combinations or the hybrid of Business Analytics, it's up to you to select the best combination!
You probably know there's always a certain combination of specializations that gives you perfect career growth. SCMS NOIDA doesn't only give you the option of choosing a major specialization along with a minor one, but also, one more different subject to study as a Certificate Course apart from the value addition courses. Then what you become is a king of one and the jack of all the trades.
"Whenever in doubt, just Google!"
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