SCMS Noida

Mastering of Moods

  • General
  • 01-04-2022

Addiction destroys everything in its path. Getting out of the way is the most loving form of addiction we can practice.

Addiction is an uncontainable temptation tailed by a comprehensive loss of control. It is often difficult to understand how one loses self-control while practising addictive behaviour. Nonetheless, it is certain that an individual will participate in addictive conduct if they believe they cannot possibly quit or have no control over their actions. Their negative beliefs become justifications and validate all wrong actions. We all have a voice in our head that tells us if we cant do something or cant stop doing it, but it only holds if we wish to believe it. If a person becomes mindful and cognizant and is certain that they are in complete control of their actions, their beliefs alter and allow them to avoid destructive behaviour.

Most people with any kind of addiction possess an indisputable desire to quit because they feel guilty about not keeping their word to their family, friends or other acquaintances, but the craving is a powerful temptation that condenses self-control. They see their addiction as an intense impediment in resisting cravings ultimately leading to marred control. Therefore, it is safe to say that recurring engrossment in these cravings despite considerable harm is a defining feature of addiction. But this gives rise to the question: Why would one continue engaging in something that is destructive or detrimental? Or why wouldnt they just stop? There are two possible explanations. It is either because that person has lost the power to control their behaviour or has developed a reduced ability to control their cravings. Once lost, regaining this self-control and dominance over our actions would require great potency and power.

In real-life scenarios, the consequences of our actions are generally delayed. Just like we know we have to work for at least a month before receiving a paycheck, our actions also take time to reveal their implications. Most people are aware of the fact that overeating will lead to obesity. Similarly, smokers are aware of the dangers they take when they light up. However, overeating and smoking like most other addictions do not have any immediate negative repercussions which is what makes them more difficult to control. An admirable way to get rid of addictions and gain a sense of control over your actions back is by learning to dominate desires. It is beneficial to learn how to regulate desires once again and revive lost control because addiction only makes you experience an immediate sense of pleasure and gratification and the consequences associated with it appear later on. For this reason, developing the ability to behave with long-standing outcomes in mind, instead of needing an instantaneous and severe outcome is essential to possess self-control.

The Mentoring cell of SCMS NOIDA is hosting a webinar, "Mastering of Moods on the 16th of March 2022, to educate students about how self-control can be practised to overcome addictions. The guest speaker, Saakshi Singla, a Child Development & Parenting Expert and gender equality advocate, will give the students insights on the same.


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