SCMS Noida

The Only Thing You Need to Wear is Your Confidence

Whether you think you can or cant youre right ? Henry Ford.

Very few people succeed in life without some degree of self-confidence. Everyone, from young professionals to seasoned leaders has moments when they are unsure of their ability to tackle life challenges. None of us is immune to occasional spurts of insecurity, but they dont have to hold us back.

The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it. ? J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan 

Self-Confidence is a belief of being assured about your abilities, personal judgment, and power. It means you have a sense of control in life and have a positive view of yourself that has a much deeper effect on you than it has on others. It is an attractive trait that helps put others at ease. 

Self-Confidence impacts all aspects of our lives from school to college, personal to social relationships. It can help you gain credibility, deal with pressure, tackle personal and professional challenges and open doors to new opportunities and determine success in life. Self-Confidence is a power that can improve the quality of your life by leaps and bounds and help you become successful in life. Confidence is not innate, its an ability that can be acquired and improved over time. One can experience a sense of confidence by continuing to set realistic expectations and goals, communicating assertively, and handling criticism.

Self-Confidence is changing the mindset and realizing that you are neither above anyone nor below anyone, you are just good enough for yourself. Anyone can develop self-confidence. Some of us have to work on it harder than others because they have conditioned themselves into a lack of confidence for much of their life. Majority of shy people when they are with family, friends or their partner whom they trust are not shy. So, the shyness is selective. And you can make confidence permanent if you consciously decide to be the person and do the things you do, not just around those you trust the most, but all the time. Being an undergraduate, in the field of management, and that too from a top B-school, provides you the exposure all you need for holistic development!!

Trust in your ability to create the life you want and deserve. You are the universe personified; your only limit is yourself. Comparing yourself to another person is doubting the perfection of the universe itself. Confidence is knowing youre great, without having to be seen. Its the silent winner. Its a humble champion. Why lagging behind when you have an opportunity to grab a seat in top B-school of the region? Unlock the greater version of yourself. Unlock your authentic power today.


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