SCMS Noida

What is a Webinar?

  • General
  • 02-07-2020

Gone are the days when large auditoriums were filled in by huge crowds just for attending a seminar, yes, COVID-19 has changed it all. Since the COVID-19 first set in, people have started using various platforms for sharing their ideas with the world, taking yoga sessions, education sessions, mentorship, panel discussions and a lot more, all via a platform that has become quite rampant in the world today and yes, it is called a WEBINAR. As the name suggests, it is a web-based seminar that people across the world can attend to exchange ideas. One just needs a webinar link and boom there you are able to access all kinds of features that enable us to meet anyone and everyone online. Indeed, we are headed towards a virtual era!!

Webinars are not new and have been in use earlier too but millions of people have switched from arranging seminars to conducting webinars especially when COVID-19 has brought the world to a standstill. Needless to say, the webinar culture is not going to end, in fact, it has just begun and will be the new normal even in the times to come.


Undoubtedly, this new normal has come at a cost in the terms of less human interaction and more and more of a dependency on a stable internet connection and new tools of technology but, it has been an even bigger problem for our teachers and parents, whose generation was already trying to understand how a smartphone works, left alone using its seemingly complicated tools.


Whenever it comes to adapting to take on new challenges, the best colleges have always been proactive to take the best foot forward. That is evident from the best interactive ideas our college has come up to help the students in every possible way. One thing we cant deny is that for the innovative teaching pedagogy followed at SCMS NOIDA, where holistic development is a priority, the webinar culture is surely something that is good for the long term. But, definitely, the essence of our education system depends on human interaction whether it is learning, engaging, hands-on projects or something like delivering motivational speeches. The human touch is not only crucial but also essential.


So how do we tackle a situation like this? Firstly, for students who are eager to learn, like we in SCMS NOIDA, these obstructions are minor so, getting worried is at the very end of our list.

Secondly, the stark growth in the area of VIRTUAL MEETINGS has led to and will lead to deeper innovation and creative problem-solving. This will ensure tremendous growth in this sector as this market evolves and more and more effective hands-on tools come up. Thats why as long as we look at every aspect with a positive mindset, we can create the best opportunities from every new hurdle that is thrown at us.

Thirdly, the most important and strong tool for us to tackle such a situation will be the imperative skill that all humans possess. It has been already mentioned, yet we should not forget the skill to adapt, grow and learn with newer challenges. This will ease us into the process of changing times, for the better.

Opportunities come to those who willingly accept the challenges!


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