SCMS Noida

Dear Teacher, Thank you for evolving with time!

  • General
  • 28-09-2021

Teaching is one indispensable service of every nation that forms the essence of the human capital. It augments the human mind and pushes it to explore beyond the set conventional boundaries. Teachers are the ones who make this process fruitful and feasible. It doesnt matter which era one is talking about, whether it is Dronacharya from Mahabharat to the omniscient Sal Khan of Khan Academy, teachers are the backbone of the building blocks of any nation.

But the phenomena of teaching are dynamic and ever-changing. It starts changing and adapts itself to the needs of society. The more popular brick-and-mortar classes were earlier a one-way communication with the teachers taking the lead. Now the teaching model encourages the students to utilize their intellect to invest in stimulating discussions that form a mutual relationship between both parties. Secondly, teachers are not relying on just textbooks, they are also availing the service of the internet to its fullest. Whether it is discussing the latest articles or the videos, or analyzing a move made by an industry leader and predicting the consequences. This is called practical teaching which is strengthening students capabilities that can be applied in the real world.

Teaching has also evolved in the terms of what they stand up for. Earlier teaching was just done by a person as a job, simply because it was mentioned in their job description. But now teaching holds the power to transform a students life. Teachers teach students so they can impart education to them but also social values such as empathy, kindness, compassion, and trust.

EdTech has been making a disruption in the education sector far before the pandemic began. Because of EdTech, students and teachers are always connected anytime and anywhere. Students can utilize the internet to solve all their doubts and teach themselves various concepts.

The purpose of education has changed and will continue to change. Today parents are competitive as they want to see their wards in the best institutes, the teachers will inspire them to do their best and then these students will give back to society in any way they can. Teaching has evolved for the better and it should continue to do so if the Indian society wishes to see the children of India reach glorious heights.


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