SCMS Noida


Emotional and mental health is an important aspect to consider while assessing a persons overall health. Without a good balance in life, it is easy for a person to fall prey to stress and eventually develop sickness. A lot of initiatives have been taken by several organizations from all over the world to improve the mental as well as emotional conditions of people living around the globe. We, at SCMS NOIDA, also focus on emotional well being, which will not only enhance productivity but effectiveness as well.

As per WHO, health comprises all the factors that include social, physical, as well as mental. All these factors in their positive states can make a person completely healthy and improve his or her overall well-being.

There have been some debates about mental well-being different from social as well as physical well-being as mental health is something that you cant see or feel in one go. Whereas your social and physical health is much more visible and if you find any problem, you can search for possible solutions, however, no one should undermine the importance of being both mentally as well as emotionally healthy and fit.

Emotional well-being in the simplest terms refers to a psychological condition of being happy and positive. If one is feeling particularly unhappy and depressed, it is okay to ask for help once in a while.

Unfortunately, the focus on emotional as well as mental well-being is strong especially in developed nations while developing nations like India are yet to develop an appreciation for mental as well as emotional health among their population. So, like we the students of SCMS NOIDA, if everyone come forward and support the initiative, we can transform the world.


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