Technatics is the IT Society of SCMS, NOIDA. It is possibly the only society that works all year around. From the PI-WAT banners to the farewell invites, the people behind the creation and distribution of all the creatives are Technatics. They are the ones designing alumni meet invite. So, essentially, they are with you for 95% of your mind-boggling college journey.
Technatics as a society has grown tremendously over the years, in terms of quantity (members) and also quality. Technatics is a place where you have a choice. You are given something to design, you can either make the same, basic poster or do something new, out of the box and leave a lasting impression. So, technatics really pushes one forward to learn new things and never settle for normal.
Being in charge of the digital marketing side of almost all the college events is also a huge responsibility shouldered by Technatics members. Their posters, standees, banners are things that everyone sees all over college and social media. They are pretty hard to miss. So, naturally, they are also subjected to praise and recognition by almost everyone in college. Besides, its really fun when you see your design go from a 24 inches desktop screen to a 180 x 72 inches life-size banner.
They create the common touchpoints between SCMS NOIDA and the world outside. They use their talent and creativity to create a phenomenon that is the institutional brand. Also, the amount of time Technatics team members spend together, working closely, frequently and informally, is the unfair advantage Technatics have over other societies.
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