The Journey to BIZCON21

Maybe the journey isnt so much about becoming anything. Maybe its about unbecoming everything that isnt you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place. - Anonymous
The idea for BIZCON was conceived by the heads of all our academic clubs. The reason? Well, SCMS NOIDA and all universities used to conduct massive events offline. But now, that has changed. As the quote above suggests, Symbiosis made its mark on the world through its students and their keenness towards something greater. The heads of all our clubs wanted to work on an event that could leap the boundary that the pandemic had built. Hence, BIZCON turned from a simple idea for an event to a massive online business event. It did take a few months of diligent efforts to plan it.
The Formation
Tension and anxiety were still there, but they were overcome by the will to make this a reality. After it was finally approved, the active work began. It began with a meeting on what BIZCON is and the various teams that are going to work on it. Yet it has evolved into something so much bigger. The core team members of all clubs started volunteering to teams that they deemed interesting. The batch of 2023 underwent a thorough procedure to be a core part of the forthcoming business fest. BIZCON21 consists of 10 teams namely, Operations & IT, Documentation, Graphics, Video Editing, Content Writing, Registration & Finance, Marketing Team (Out-house), Marketing Team (In-house), Digital Outreach, and Sponsorship Team.
The above number is more than enough to make a person think about the scale of our business fest. These teams are filled with students who have different specializations and interests. It is their sheer will to learn something new and gain unique experiences.
The Collaboration
SCMS NOIDA consists of 5 academic clubs. They are Finance Club, Human Resource Club, Marketing Club, International Business Club, and Business Analytics Club. While all these clubs can very well work on events of their own, they wanted to work together on multiple events. Thus, BIZCON'21 offers multiple events built with love from all clubs. So, the meetings and constant work made everyone active, 1.5 months before the fest itself. All clubs started working together for The Bizcrux. No member and no club is working for themselves, the scale speaks for itself. Even the IB Club collaborated with the HR Club on an event to bring more to the table. Connecting all specializations is such an essential aspect of BIZCON. Its about the deep learning experience that all participants will receive and the knowledge of our very own specialization curve.
The Beginning
As each day progressed, everyone started enjoying the work even more. Continuous interactions taking place among the teams and heads guiding them throughout the day during multiple classes, thats worth a look. Honestly, the scale of BIZCON21 is so big that being a part of it, whether as part of the working committee or as a participant, makes it different from all the other business fests. SCMS NOIDA is known for its limitless creativeness, whether it is for co-curricular activities or education. With each event, the scale has always kept growing, and this time is no different. The intellect and will of all our team members, heads, deputy heads, and volunteers combined is a sure sign of success.
This event is going to test the wits, knowledge, and skills of each participant while offering a wide variety of learning opportunities to all. Winners will take home the crown while each participant will not leave without learning and experiencing something better. This is the beginning of BIZCON, it only gets better from here. Get ready for upcoming opportunities and witness the ingeniousness of our teams.
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