The New Normal
Feeling anxious in this pandemic is perfectly normal. Staying sane during this challenging and weird time is really difficult. But the power and the ability to keep moving forward irrespective of these unpleasant feelings is the key to a successful life. One thing that is clear is that we all know that change can be challenging. Be it planned or unplanned, sudden or gradual, change is inevitable and a part of human being. Over past few months, weve experienced an unprecedented shift is our way of living.
The reality is filled with a large amount of uncertainties and none of us know what will come next. We still get up every morning, work hard to achieve our goals, we learn, we laugh, we cry and now is the time to see opportunities. We should now move into the curiosity phase rather than the anxiety phase. Since we all now have to live with it, it is important for us to remember some important points to ace with the current situation:
Journal your experience - Be it your thoughts, your feelings, your experiences, what youve done, anything can be quiet therapeutic and a great thing to look back after covid-19 has passed.
Stay connected Social distancing does not means disconnecting with people. In the new normal you can still be connected to your friends and family in just different ways.
Learning - learning is an ongoing process and we need to find out better ways to make use of our time and make efforts to up-skill ourselves.
Create a new Routine -Having a routine can help create some sense of normalcy during time of chaos, so get creative so that you can continue on in some way.
Appreciation - It is necessary to recognize all your achievements so that you feel motivated to work.
Create and find pockets of joy - The New Normal can be challenging at times, so celebrate anything that puts a smile on your face, large or small. Made a nice cup of tea this morning? Great! Walked your dog today? Awesome! Saw a funny meme on social media? Go ahead and chuckle.
Last but not the least give yourself the space and time to grieve, to celebrate, and to feel every emotion in between, during this challenging time. We are living in a situation that never happened before (at least in our lifetime), and it is impacting each and every one of us in a unique way.
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